Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Sitting Around

Many people do not realize how much energy the body expends simply to remain seated upright. Don't feel too bad, neither did I until I tried doing it for a couple of hours on a day when I no energy to spare.

As a Fibromite, and therefore, sufferer of a long term illness, one of the many tricks I have learned for Spoons conservation, is to lounge as opposed to sit. Which more or less just means to have my feet up and being able to lean either back or to the side. You'd be amazed how much energy you end up with in reserve if you can just remember to do these things.

Especially if you are short limbed and/or have a back problem, it's also good to have just a foot rest while in an upright position; IE, at the supper table (though, I still largely prefer to eat my meals while lounging when able).

Keep in mind that while reclined, it is best to have a pillow or some such under your knees. This is to avoid unwanted back pain.

One of the best investments I've ever made was in a couple of comfortable pillows for ideal reclining positions!

I hope this was helpful to someone!

Stay strong, and keep in touch!

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