Thursday, 27 November 2014

Regimental Requirements

As with any illness, one of the most important things to do is to stay medicated. And as with most of the steps laid out to any one with an illness, that's easier said than done! Sometimes we forget, sometimes we run out, sometimes we simply can't afford the drugs and supplements that increase our quality of life.

I get it! I really do! But please remember, that any change in your regiment means bigger setbacks in other areas. All actions (and inactions) have consequences. With Fibro more than with most illnesses.

Here are some tips to help with each of these areas:

-Set an alarm on your phone (or other device, even if it's an old fashioned alarm clock) to remind you to take your meds.
-Use a pill sorter with your am/pm and other requirements laid out ahead of time. This means avoiding having to fiddle with bottles and remembering which pills when all the time.
-Write stickies in frequently seen places such as the kitchen faucet, the bathroom mirror, the corner of the TV, etc.

Running Out:
-Many pharmacies have a program in place to auto refill regular scrips with a call out system to remind you to pick them up. (Something which I REALLY need to partake of!)
-Set a calendar reminder to call for refills one week before you run out.
-When it comes to over the counter items, always have two bottles, and add it to the shopping list as soon as you break into the second bottle. (This works well with pantry and other household items as well)

Can't Afford It:
-Many communities and/or Doctor's offices have a compassion program to ensure that people who require drugs get them, no matter their financial situation.
-You have family and friends who do not want to see you suffer (or to suffer with you when you start having mood swings due to lack of pain meds, etc!). Please, suck up your pride, and ask for help! The worse they can say is "I'm sorry."
-If you can afford coffee at Timmies every morning, you can afford your meds. Prioritize! (I know, this won't apply to all of us, but some of us need that kick in the ass)

Please feel free to share your tips and tricks with the rest of us!

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