Thursday, 27 November 2014

How Weather Keeps Us Together

The first time that I called home after moving out and told my mom that I missed her, her reply was not 'I miss you too'. What she told me was to walk to the window and look up. "Do you see the moon?" she asked me. "I'm looking up at the same moon. Wherever you are, not matter how far, when ever you're lonely, all you have to do is look up at the moon, and know that I am looking at the same moon."

This is how I feel whenever I wake up and KNOW that it's cloudy, or wet out, because my body is aching a certain way. Because I know, that several hundred miles away, the weather is similar enough that all of my Fibro Friends are feeling the same way. That I am not alone in my struggle.

So the next time you get that pressure behind your eyes that tells you the barometric pressure has shifted suddenly, or all of your joints sound like popcorn when you move, know that somewhere, within the same weather bubble, there are others suffering in muffled silence with you.

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