Having a bad Fibro week, so I have been surfing the internet and looking into some stuff that I've been putting off, because I've been too hyper.
I feel accomplished; I just registered to be an organ donor via Service Ontario. It turns out that even sick people can help other sick people ;) Okay, I already knew that, I'm just being silly.
Actually, I've had a very positive outlook on life in general for the last while, which is a big change from this time last year (more on that in another post). In fact, when asked how I am today, my reply has been, "Physically, I feel like shite, but I'm full of happiness and sunshine, so who cares!"
My meds are working well, even when my body isn't. The biggest challenge for me is to simply get good sleep. Whenever that is not accomplished, it causes a chain reaction of poor health, but I can deal.
My good good days are much better, as well as frequent than they used to be. I only throw up from the pain maybe once every two months instead of once every two days. I have an ever growing support system around me. I have unlimited internet, and unlimited Canada Wide Calling. What more do I need to stay in touch with the people who matter?
I've even created a couple of new Facebook Groups; One for people I know with Fibro to swap stories, treatment ideas, pain management techniques, etc., and another for Writers! I've also joined a separate writers group that is run by a guy I stumbled across on Twitter. I don't care what anyone says, social media sites are great tools if you know how to use them!
That's right, November is just around the corner, and that means gearing up for NaNoWriMo! I've got my stock of dark chocolate and caffeinated beverages. I've been stocking the freezer with ready to go foods. This is something I like to do anyway because of the Fibro, but I want to be able to spend all of my spoons on writing in November, not cooking!
If you're interested in following my progress on the NaNo site, or want to join my writers group on Facebook, please feel free to do so via the links provided.
I'm trying to do little things to stay 'active' and avoid the cabin fever feeling. Including reading curled up on the patio in the afternoon when the sun is shining directly on my side of the building, and walking down to the lobby to check the mail. It's little things like that which can make a huge difference when you're cooped up inside, or have been couch/bedridden for long stretches. I even went out to the mall the other day to do some quick gift shopping. Any little thing that I can think of that makes me feel like I've done something useful that day.
Anyway, this wasn't the post I wanted to work on today, so I'm going to end abruptly and go work on my Thanksgiving post :P
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