Sunday, 19 October 2014

30/30 Days

This is a useful tool for anyone who struggles with motivation, but it is especially useful for those of us who have a need to conserve energy, or rest between jobs.

It's a very straight forward concept. You simply set a timer or alarm for 30 minutes. You have 30 minutes of 'up' time (cleaning, puttering, or productivity of any sort, seated or otherwise) followed by 30 minutes of 'down' time (playing Facebook games, watching TV, reading, or any other times wasting/relaxing activity).

Don't push yourself. If you can't manage the full 30 minutes 'up', then don't. If you can't sustain it for more than an hour or two, don't. If you can't manage it every day, or even every other day, don't. It's a tool, not a way of life, not a boot camp curriculum.

I'll admit, that I only do 30/30 days when I'm either feeling exceptionally productive, or exceptionally lazy. It helps to strike a balance between the two.

I'm also planning on using this structure for my NaNoWriMo project next month! Hopefully it will help me reach my goal of 80,000 words in one month without burning myself out.

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