Sunday, 6 January 2013


I have noticed that as my health declines, and more and more stress from both my health and just life in general, are heaped on me, I have been slipping out of the Happy Place that I have always been able to cling to, even in the darkest times of my life. I have become a very negative person, and even difficult to be around. This is not something that people have had to tell me, just something that I have noticed myself, and have had confirmed by others.

I need to learn to let things go. Things that never would have bothered me so much a couple of years ago have begun to drive me crazy. A good deal of this, I think, comes from being mostly house ridden, if not bed ridden, a lot of the time.

So I've been working on:

 -trying to be less negative, or to at least catch myself in the act and cease and desist in a more timely fashion instead of going on and on

-making social appointments to get out of the house

-letting go of the little things

-balancing my diet with my steady decline in physical activity (I am below 160 for the first time in over 2 years!)

-balancing feeling fulfilled with feeling overwhelmed (harder than it sounds)

-using creative outlets to boost my mood (singing, writing, crafting, etc.,)

I've already made some headway over the holidays, noticing that my dark cloud is lifting, and that I am significantly easier to live with. Let's see if I can keep up the good work.

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