Friday, 3 August 2012

Why, Oh Why?!?

No, not "Why me?" just "Why Am I Doing This?"

I have lead a rather chaotic and eventful life, filled with one challenge, conflict, and hurdle after another. You won't catch me wasting my breath with sentiments like 'why me?' I'm quite content to struggle though each new challenge with the knowledge that what does not kill us makes us stronger. According to the vast majority of my friends and family, strength is something I have in abundance. But we cannot always be strong on our own.

As a self sufficient and very determined individual, it took finally coming face to face with my own mortality to clue into the fact that I cannot in fact do this alone. So this is one medium that I am using to reach out to the world around me. I'm not looking for sympathy, just for support and, at times, clarity. Sometimes getting the tangle of thoughts and emotions out of my head and scribbling it out can help process. Sometimes another perspective can help put things into focus.

So hold on tight, folks! It's going to be a bumpy, chaotic ride!

*maniacal grin*

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