March 21. Morning:
I had a very busy, very productive day yesterday.
Got to reconnect with an adopted Uncle, KS, I got toddler snuggles from my niece, AS, got through half of the backlog of clean laundry, made Brownies and Chocolate pudding for Hubby, puttered away at the kitchen, began the putter process in the bedroom, and just overall made great progress.
I had a very busy, very productive day yesterday.
Got to reconnect with an adopted Uncle, KS, I got toddler snuggles from my niece, AS, got through half of the backlog of clean laundry, made Brownies and Chocolate pudding for Hubby, puttered away at the kitchen, began the putter process in the bedroom, and just overall made great progress.
Woke up this morning and my brain is already wanting to resume that productive feeling.
Have to pace myself extra today. I've got medical errands to run.
Will post detailed update later. Xoxo
I've had a busy day thus far. Had my appointment with my Neurologist, then stopped for lunch with RD. Omw up to visit with ML before going home to relax for a bit.
I'm having a very positive day. Almost peed myself (literally) laughing twice, so that's something! Lol
Had an amazing roulette meal at Steve's Open Kitchen. I told the cook to surprise me ;) I got eggs Benny with peameal, and perfect home fries.
Neurologist was happy to see that I'm doing so well after the upset. She's pleased with my progress already this week. I've got a regular MRI update coming up (waiting for them to send me the appointment information). And follow up appointment for Nov, unless the MRI shows anything noteworthy.

March 22, Morning:
I had a good cry last night, after a social misstep and getting myself all worked up. After a lot of introspection, I'm feeling much better about the situation and myself.
Part of the introspection lead me to realize that I am inadvertently pushing myself. So I'm doing my best to create a warning system in my brain so that if I get close to stepping outside of my current comfort zone, if I and leading towards a situation that I am not yet emotionally prepared to deal with, then I can take a step back without feeling like a coward, etc. bottom line, I am focusing on self forgiveness.
I also emailed my GP about a psychiatric referral sooner rather than later. I think I inadvertently put it off (even temporarily) when I spoke with him on Wed. I sort of heard it on replay last night while I was thinking about it, so I spoke to Hubby, assured him that it wasn't a conscious procrastination, and assured him I'd be reaching out to correct that today.
I'm still feeling super insecure in so many ways. Not the ways I'd have thought. But it is certainly getting much easier to navigate my own thoughts and feelings now that I'm off all the meds!!!
More later. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm continuing to move forward <3
Having an extra slow day today. My body is complaining. But I did get some kitchening done, and some of the garbage/recycling ready to go for tonight. The mountain of clean clothes and unmatched socks is slowly shrinking. And I've just had a hot shower that has alleviated the worst of the pain I was in. Now I think it's time for a nap, or at least for staring at the screen with glazed eyes Zzzzzzzz
March 23, Evening:
Hey guys! I hope that no one has been worried! I've been having a great, if buys, day heart emoticon
Started with texting with my baby sister, then up to the kitchen for breakfast, and some dishes. Chatted with Mr Homeowner and his son (2yrs), then back down to hang with Hubby while he played The Division and I called the Baby Sister and folded laundry.
I have now officially folded all of the clean clothes! I am stoked! Now I just have to separate into organized piles and give each pile a home. I love how excited these little things make me :P
Had a great chat with Baby Sister, then sent Hubby off to work and then Uncle came over for a couple of hours. Now I'm back in the basement, watching TV and puttering. xoxo!
My other goal for today is to sweep/vacuum the basement and ground floor. But that doesn't need to be done til before bed time.
I so should have taken before and after pictures! I cannot believe how much progress I'm making in my general putter/basement overhaul! Kinda like my first two days home after the hospital. I spent the time in the basement cleaning up mess from the walls, carpet, shower, clothes, boxes, etc.... But did it ever feel good to get it done!!!
I have been working on a complete overhaul of the bedroom, since then. Every scrap of paper, pile of clutter, lost sock, accounted for and relegated to its own home. Tonight I also moved over to the living area (aka dump zone) next door. We're in the basement btw, not sure if y'all knew that.
I needed to spread next door to find storage space for stuff. So now I've gotten a bunch of dead cardboard boxes flattened and sliced up, bagged up and dumped on the front porch, the stacks of "from the move" boxes piled up and ready to be sorted through, the "hallway" expanded, two more loads of catch-up laundry done, the suitcases and backpacks nested together, the laundry area tidied up, the piles of random items scattered around all collected and put in a box for household sorting at a later date!
I've even started a pile of Yard Sale items to put out for fundraising for The Move &/or The Wedding!
Been wrapped up in my electric blanket while I write this, with my foot massager doing its job. Now I'm off to get a hot shower, and hopefully have some time to play Fallout 4 before Hubby gets home from work for snuggles and food <3 :)
March 24, Morning:
Morning loves from my Love, breakfast, and more puttering!
I saved Hubby's life! We put on Red Neck Hazmat gear and got ride of a mould source (he's allergic). I'll be spot treating the carpet over time to make it sanitary. Then we'll do a steam clean and likely put a new underlay down.
Even if we move next month, this space will be move in ready for the next guy! ;)
Been doing dishes. Now I've gotta put on butt coverings. Meeting SM for tea at Steve's Open Kitchen, then mall crawling with RD & ML.
Gonna be a great day!
March 25, Morning:
Mmmmm. Groggy girl is groggy.....*zombie shuffle*
Had a great morning hanging out with the Homeowners and the Baby! Did some dishes, some personal grooming, and am now watching Eureka and puttering around on-line, after a snack of cheese and Gingerale
March 24, Morning:
Morning loves from my Love, breakfast, and more puttering!
I saved Hubby's life! We put on Red Neck Hazmat gear and got ride of a mould source (he's allergic). I'll be spot treating the carpet over time to make it sanitary. Then we'll do a steam clean and likely put a new underlay down.
Even if we move next month, this space will be move in ready for the next guy! ;)
Been doing dishes. Now I've gotta put on butt coverings. Meeting SM for tea at Steve's Open Kitchen, then mall crawling with RD & ML.
Gonna be a great day!
March 25, Morning:
Mmmmm. Groggy girl is groggy.....*zombie shuffle*
Had a great morning hanging out with the Homeowners and the Baby! Did some dishes, some personal grooming, and am now watching Eureka and puttering around on-line, after a snack of cheese and Gingerale
Om nom lunch!
Leftover tuscan chicken stirfry and a headache hot chocolate, just in case. Been doing lots of tv, internet and crochet today, lets not end up with a Migraine.....
Well, this is going to be interesting. I'm coming down with a cold. This will be my first entirely holistic battle with my body in quite some time. I just home for The Baby's sake that I don't end up with conjunctivitis again! :P
Leftover tuscan chicken stirfry and a headache hot chocolate, just in case. Been doing lots of tv, internet and crochet today, lets not end up with a Migraine.....
Well, this is going to be interesting. I'm coming down with a cold. This will be my first entirely holistic battle with my body in quite some time. I just home for The Baby's sake that I don't end up with conjunctivitis again! :P
Off to crochet and watch Hubby play The Division. <3
March 26, Afternoon:
I have a sinus cold today. So you may not hear much from me. But Hubby will be here all day except for grocery run.
March 27, Afternoon:
Hey guys! I'm doing well, just struggling through this cold. Had a nice brunch with the house ppl. been relaxing and puttering. now playing MineCraft
March 28, Afternoon:
Home safe from my stupid o'clock dr app. Their entire team was Topsy turvy. Seems some parts of the practice took today off and some did not. Lack of communication.
So I was an hr and a half late getting to see the dr. But they were very polite and to the point once we were face to face.
Today was an appointment with my Rheumatologist. A follow up after a localized steroid injection in January.
I have more blood work to go for, a referal to a Physiatryst (soft tissues specialist), and an open ended ticket to get another steroid shot at my leisure, after cold and flu season.
This is because we determined that the shot did work for the pain in my shoulders, but that the benefit was canceled out my laying me up for 3 weeks with cold/flu.
I love my kids too much to avoid the little plague rats wink emoticon
Now I'm home, and back in bed with my electric blanket and witches brew to kick this cold in the arse!
March 29, Morning:
My cold is finally starting towards better instead of worse! Yay!
Ate my breakfast on the deck today. Perfect balance of sun and wind. Tho it's still too cold for the heavy breathing of a nice walk, with this cold.
So I started my Dr homework today. I have to track down the psychiatrist that has the referral information for the coping skills team and one on one therapy. I'd have thought they'd have contacted my GP, but not so much.
Note to self! if I'm ever hospitalized, get a copy of my records or something before I leave! lol
I've also got to call the Fibro specialists in Toronto that my GP thinks will be good now that I'm getting more hand on with my FMS.
Separately, I also am waiting for an appointment for an updated MRI and a referral to a physiatrist (soft tissues specialist).
Looks like I've got tons of support of the fibro front!
Feeling exhausted after food and fresh air. May nap.... maybe minecraft for a bit. *yawns*
In the scramble to make sure that I am feeling better, and doing my part to follow up with Dr's, Hubby hasn't gotten around to seeing someone about what happened. This just sort of occurred to both of us.
So I'll be making a call to get him a referral (as per his request) but I am currently feeling overwhelmed by the fact that we've gone this long without him talking to a Professional. These saviors of ours, they forget to watch out for themselves... tut tut tut.
I'm off to cleanse my brain pallet.
Feeling a bit down today. First time that I haven't been able to just shrug it off since I've been home. But I don't think it's a big deal. I've also been exceptionally tired today.
I'll keep an eye on it.
Off to nuke some soup.
And make a Keurig hot chocolate ;) cuz chocolate fixes everything
Feeling better now. Just tired and anti social. Time for fallout!!
March 30, Morning:
Took a nap last night that turned into waking up this morning :P Well, the good news is that I feel well rested! The bad news is I feel ancient. Not sure if its because I didn't move much in my sleep, or the impending weather this evening. But I make for a great caricature, hobbling around tongue emoticon Spending my morning playing Modded Minecraft. Homework and reading and dishes and crochet are on the agenda for the day.
A snapshot of what Slow as Molasses in January looks like; Went to kitchen at 6:45 to toss two eggs and leftover chicken stir fry into a pan. Just now (9:07) returning to bedroom after dinner and dishes :P