Friday, 2 August 2013

A Reminder

I’m more than a little spoiled. And sometime ago, I would have been railing at it, telling myself that I don't deserve it, and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I have a life full of wonderful friends who would do anything to make my life a little easier, a little brighter. Many of whom have proven that.

I’ve had someone show up to clean all three bathrooms for me. The only payment demanded, that I keep him company while he works. I’ve had people change their plans to suit my poor health (movie here instead of movie there), and cutting the evening short to drop me off downtown to deal with paperwork afterwards (don’t worry, I got a ride home from another friend). I have a friend who routinely takes me swimming because it is the only exercise that I can do that fits all of the limitations of my illness that still gives me the benefits that I need.

I also have a hand full of roommates who help me when I need something lifted or carried. I am about to have one more who will also be helping me with more of the nitty gritty day to day stuff. I sort of feel like the principal of a boarding school who is at long last getting her vice principal :P

Outside of that, I have one friend who takes me to the movies on a semi regular basis, and buys me things like awesome necklaces and geek t-shirts. Another friend that keeps me in supply of video games, either on Steam, or for the X-Box.

And then there are the plethora of people who constantly remind me that when I am having a rough day, or a rough moment (okay, rougher than average), to call, anytime. That if I need someone to vent at, or be comforted by, that I can do that. Anytime. Day or night.

And you know what? They all tell me that it’s their pleasure. That’s it’s no more than I deserve. And you know what? I am finally beginning to believe them...

I often stop and ask myself, "What have I done to deserve such amazing people in my life?" I myself am such an abrasive person! But I have come to accept that I am the good kind of abrasive. I am that sanding belt that turns the raw stones into polished gems. I am good for the people in my life. I give as much (okay, way more) than I take from them. I add to their lives in a way that the majority of people are afraid to do. I am (at least on the surface) a fearless friend.

It still boggles my mind that the things that I do without even thinking about it, like telling someone if something they are doing is annoying me, are things that are very nearly considered social faux pas. How many times do I have to tell you people! It’s not what you say, it is how you say it! I don’t talk down to someone when I point out something that they are doing ‘wrong’ that may be unintentional. I give them gentle encouragement, and advice if they should happen to want to change. I’m not in the business of forcing people to be other than what they are, or what they want to be.

I am, however, in the business of helping people to be better people. I guess that is the bottom line of what a Life Coach is. Even if I’m not doing it as a 9-5 job, I am still helping a lot of people in small ways. Some people, more in depth than others. They may not pay me in cash, or those that do, may not pay full rates, but I get what I need from them. Be it love, kindness, a ride somewhere, a couch to crash on when I’m away from home, or some bolstering words when I’m flagging, emotionally. 

Friendship, when done right, is one of the most beautiful forms of symbiosis imaginable.